My Travels


Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Diving Anyone?

Just got back from my first day at the dive course... YAY!! what an experience... had to get up early for, had a coke and bounty for breakfast...mmm..nutritious but I learned lots, passed my Dive medical, barely passed the pool skills... I didn't realize how out of shape I am... I can barely tread water for 10 minutes...pathetic isn't it? and then the five laps around the pool almost killed me... gotta do something about that... but I was able to do all the stuff they asked me to, clear your mask while underwater, find your regulator to breathe when it's not in your mouth... crazy stuff, can't wait to get on the boat in a few days!!!

get this... I actually have HOMEWORK to do tonite... isn't that messed up? me, homework? not even 15 mins into the classroom bit I started to fall asleep... go figure.

Had a really healthy overly salted quarter chicken for dinner.... got yelled at by some older lady who obviously hasn't gotten any action in decades... hunny, there called Energizer... got get some... freak woman... after I had gotten my food to the table, (food court) I went back in a bit to get some ketchup (or Tomato Sauce they call it here) so I stood beside the lineup for food, and as soon as the guy was done with the chick in line and started walking to get her drink, I ask for some, he says it's 40 cents for a pack.. then this bad starts yelling at me saying that it was rude of me to jump the queue .. hun, I assumed the kid behind the counter would toss me a pack of ketchup, pardon me, it's not like I'm gonna jump in line to pay for it... faack, relax....anyways, that was the excitement for the nite..... oh and I met this really cool girl from Brandon Manitoba of all places... it was good to chat with a fellow Canadian.. it's amazing, I've met more Canadians in Cairns than I have in Sydney... and I've only been in Cairns for less than a week... crazy eh?

It was off to bed for me after the OC and an Aussie comedy called Rove Live... silly humour, but it works...

The second day of the course wasn't too bad either, I did manage to get my homework done and passed all of the in pool skills... and.. get this... I passed a multiple choice exam... yup, all without studyin... 47/50... I'm proud of me... it was an easy and pie exam, but still, I'm happy about it :) went back to the hostel, took a shower, got ready and it was back downtown for an educational seminar on the Coral Reef, the guy that does it is pretty mad, and puts on a great show! I basically freebased on sugar cookies and coffee the whole time, chilled for a bit at the hostel and it was off to bed for meee... had to get up early so that I could go live aboard a dive boat for a night! YAY!!


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