My Travels


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Bloody Rain!

It's still bloody raining... please stop.. please?

Went for a stroll by the beach today, saw people learning to surf, people surfing... looks kinda kewl.. maybe I'll try it out... looks kinda scary too... was gonna go hit Oceanworld, but the sun came out so I took a bit of a walk down the walking path... some incredible views... found a cafe overlooking the water, had a cappucino, and just put my head on the table and stared off into the horizon, seeing waves crashing into the rocks, surfers getting the waves, the sun shining.. wicked, wicked...Met a cute little puppy dog named Bobby who kept me company as I sipped my cup of "the best substitute for sleep ever invented" with chocolate sprinkles on top... mmm...mmm... good... a pretty nice cafe it was too...the waitress was telling me about how she almost killed herself in the surf out a ways... the waves looked K-razy.. saw people of all types running, and young and old people heading out into the wild blue yonder with their boards and wetsuits... it was kinda cool... then of course the rain started again, so I ran for OceanWorld.. Saw fishies and Sharkies and Snakies... the tank they got isn't as cool as the one in Sydney, but they have these really pwetty brown sharkies..can't remember what they were called, but they were lwittle and cwute.... saw a big ass turtle/tortoise... what's the diff? eh.. Saw Nemo, read lots about jellyfish and pufferfish and the toxins'n'stuff pretty interesting shit as to how lethal it is... saw the 5 most venomous land snakes... kinda creepy, there was a lizard on display and get this... Giant Roaches... or to keep with the theme, roachies... yech... I just shuddered... and shuddered... dem eeby jeebies came back to haunt me,.... they're just so.. yucky...gos I sound like such a little pwincess... he he

Grabbed a bite to eat at a pie place... I couldn't decide on a pie... so I had 3 mini pies.. Mince Beef, Spinach and corn, Thai Chicken... pretty good I must say... with a nice Liptons Iced Tea to wash it all down.. it's no Arizona Ice Tea, but it did the twick...and then for some odd twisted reason, I ended up in a .. ya ... a book store... me... crazy eh? took about 20 mins and finally decided on a reccomendation from the sales chic... William Sutcliffe - are you experienced?

it's about a guy who goes to India with a chic he knows and his experiences... bloody marvellous novel.. I was reading it by the beach (until the rain started again) and then it got cold, and then I made my way back to the little cafe (Candies it's called) for some warmth and another Cappucino. For someone who usually falls asleep or gets way distracted while reading.. I made it 144 pages before I couldn't focus anymore...I'm impressed... It's a good book, y'all should check it out..

There's a paragraph in there on how the English Lad views Hindi / Bollywood movies... here it is..

"As far as I could tell it was about a guy who wants to marry a sexy girl, but his parents want him to marry an ugly girl. Just when he's about to marry the ugly girl, he discovers that the sexy girl has been kidnapped by an ugly man who wears black leather and scowls at the camera. The hero rushes out on a horse in search of the kidnapped sexy girl, and has a punch-up in the desert with the ugly man. He's about to save the sexy girl when it emerges that the ugly girl is in cahoots with the ugly man, and she has somehow tied the father to a chair in the sand and is in the process of pouring petrol all over him. The ugly girl pulls out a box of matches, and they all pause to sing a song. Just then, fifty blokes in black jump out from behind a bush that wasn't there until they jumped our from behind it and start shooting at the hero, who hides behind a small wooden box. Eventually, he comes out, holding a white handkerchief, but when the ugly man in black comes to gloat (which he does in song) the hero trips him up, steals his gun, and shoots all the fifty men in black who jumped out from behind the magically appearing bush.

The Father, whose petrol seems to have dried off, frees himself from the chair and has a comedy fight with a fat man who appears to serve no purpose. The sexy girl points out to the hero that the ugly girl is escaping through the desert just as the father defeats the fat man by putting a bucket on his head. The hero, the father and the sexy girl then all sing a song in which the father seems to give his blessing to their marriage. Meanwhile, the ugly girl on the horizon shakes her fist, and says something which can only be a vow of revenge. A few seconds later, just as she is on the point of dying of thirst, she comes across a lonely hut on top of a sand-dune. She knocks on the door and is welcomed by a man who tries to seduce her (in song). She is unimpressed by his advances until she notices that in the corner of the room is a mini-laboratory, containing what appears to be a half-finished nuclear bomb. Together they hatch a plan.

After that, the plot became a bit too difficult to follow. As far as I could tell, in the end the sexy people married each other, the ugly people got blown up, and the fat people ended up with buckets on their head.
Now that's what I call quality entertainment"

If you've ever seen a Hindi flick... you should be laughin your ass off by now..

anyhoo, now that I've proved I can still type without looking at my fingers, I'm off to the gym again, din din, and bed... back to the City tomorrow!


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