My Travels


Sunday, May 15, 2005


Been looking forward to Sat nite for a while now, getting to go clubbin and all... we headed out from khane and stopped at Salima's place so she could get ready and we could take a look at the map to see where we were off to for din din... it's far far away from th least that's what it looked like on the map... hit the road.. ok, I have to say this about Sydney, great place... but the traffic is worse than Toronto... yech... so we were bumper to bumper in traffic, stupid buses kept jumping in front of us a few times... didn't look like we'd get to where we were going anytime soon, so we called and cancelled, felt really bad about it, but it was that or show up for dinner realy late...

Went to an incredible Thai Restaurant in Newtown.. the place has no sign, and is at the bottom of a hotel/pub, the entrance isn't even marked... we get down there, and it's packed, and I mean packed with people... we had to sit outside where it was cold and nipply.. ordered and grabbed a seat inside after a while... had a drink called Schweppes Lemonade.. it was really good, not lemony at all.. Me likeeey ..
and the food was pretty awesome too... huuge prawns with the heads still on 'em... hee hee... ended up on my shirt at one point.. :( good thing I don't wear light colors.

After Din we picked Natashya up and hit Retro a bar with 4 floors, different music on each.. bloody hell $20 cover charge.. WTF?!?! way to rich for my blood, but the music was good, danced to some R&B, OldSchool, Retro, Hip Hop, Techno... not bad at all, plus I couldn't complain being in the company of 3 very beautiful women... :)

We found a nice place on the dance floor (carpeted) that had a fan, so it wasn't bad... kept cool and danced... YAY!

Dropped Natashya off at home and then it was back on the Grand Prix motorway to drop Farheen off at jk where her car was... when we get there.. lets go for coffee!!!! of course Macers was closed, so we hit the gas station (memories of Dubai) chilled with coffee and ferrero rocher at the gas station... then it was back towards the city... vroom vroom... think I ended up going to bed at about 4am... kewl... of course being the lazy ass that I am, I rolled it out of bed at about 2:30pm... hee hee.. love traveling... had a craving for Pancakes and Eggs, so I got the Insiders tip and went to a pancake house in the Rocks with Uzma... oh did that ever hit the spot.. I never thought I would say this.. but I miss Denny's :( someone needs to open one out here, 24 hour breakfast joint.. grease, grease and more frickin grease... it's so good and healthy for you, I can't beleive it! lol
Had a bite of a Chocolate pancake... not bad, really sweet... but yummy all the same..

Left the pancake house and it was dark.. WTF? oh ya, it is like 5.. Feisal's a moron... that's what happens when you wake up at 2:30pm... lol.. Uzma had a craving for a roller coaster, so we headed down to Luna Park... all the rides were closed hen we got there, but there's a great view of Sydney from there, way cool, and I actually managed to get a nice night pic finally... YAY me.. got back to the hostel and watched the last half of Star Wars Episode II... I was amazed at the number of ppl that were there watching it, it's like everything at the hostel stopped... gotta love Star Wars eh?

Hit the bar quickly and then went to la bed..

Slept in on Monday till about 11, figured I'd get a bunch of stuff done, had a large list... ya right.. did that happen.. umm.. nope...spent 6 hours on the internet... had a big mac for breakfast, mmm... grease again! it was good tho.. chatted with quite a few ppl on MSN, got some emails done, applied for some jobs in AUS, listened to some music (well needed after both my damn MP3 Players are fooked) really did get a lot accomplished...

oh wanted to tel you all about my Vegemite experience. don'e do it, that stuff is shit! tastes like ass would taste like... wanted to frickin throw up ... yech! how the hell do these Aussie's eat it... BARF, HURL, GAG,, YUCKEEEEEEEY

Had some really good pad Thai on the way back to the hostel and got there just in time to catch a bit of Big Brother, Pack and Desperate Housewives!!! saw that, and the Oprah Special Episode of Desperate Housewives... laugh all you want, it's a good show.. figured it was time for bed

Bed...riight... got up there, lots of ppl in room, played cards, some really strange game called shithead.. so of course.. feisal is the shithead, and he wears a yellow wig to the bar downstairs, he danced, he had lots of fun, he looked like an idiot. but the redeeming moment was when this fit bird from Holland told him "You look so attractive with that wig on" ha ha.. very funny... Am glad I got to meet new people, but it was kinda shitty that it was the night before I was leaving...back to the room, get some rest, and the other guys come in and we start talking about food, mcdonalds and shit.. I was getting sooo hungreeey...finally 2 of us get up and go for maccers at 2:30am.. ha ha.. get's raining, ok drizzling...hmm... not such a good idea eh... hit the Kebab place round the corner...mmm..hits the spot... back to bed, more food talk,... finally sleep... had another weird I was actually there.. crazy eh? wake up, and one of the girls in the room was like... what the hell are you doin up so early? lol, when I met her last night, she looked at me and said.. wow, this is the first time I've seen you awake... lol.. my theory is, if I don't got anything to do, why wake up? what a waste..he on my way to Manly!


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