My Travels


Monday, May 16, 2005


Took a ride on the ferry to Manly Wharf... a must do.. the ride is great! there was a storm coming in so the water was a little rough.. what a great ride, amazing views of the Harbour and the coastline... some incredible houses and trees and rocks and cliffs... breathtaking.

There was one spot where we were passing by one of the cliffs overlooking the sea, and the rain was coming in, you could see the cliff, and then slowly this grey mist started to roll in, the rain started to come down, the seas got just a little more choppy and before you know it, you couldn't see the horizon on the water, and slowly the mist engulfed the cliff, leaving just a dark silhouette of the cliff in the distance...and then... the cliff vanished from sight... replaced with the diagonal streams of misty rain, pouring down and being carried on by the

how's that for an attempt at creative writing? had to look up the word silhouette lol...

So I got to Manly.. nice place, found a good indian restaurant to check out for dinner, went to the hostel.. omg..what a dive.. this place kinda freaks me out.. it's half deserted, no staff anywhere... tres freaky.. wandered around inside trying to find luck.. I think they don't open till 3 and one of the guys there said they're very intermittent... great.. good thing I'm only here for 2 days...

left and had brekky at this little cafe... I'm trying to broaden my horizons, so I ate scrambled eggs, with brown toast, butter, and get this... sauteed veggies.. and I actually ate the veggies instead of pushing them aside to find the eggs... amazing eh? they were really good, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, green peppers, mushrooms, onions, and others that I couldn't identify... lol... hey at least I'm trying? right?

at the Inet cafe now, killing time until 3 so I can go see if there is anybody at the hostel to give me a room.


  • Manly yes, but I like it too!
    Love the name, Manly beach ... YUM!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:48 PM  

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