My Travels


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Computer geek = Helichopper

Computer Geek strikes again.. maybe I can turn him into a superhero or something? so I went to the CeBit show where I saw lots of kewl Toys and gadgets... they even had this amazing little 1 gig mp3 player that I wanted.. but it was $160 wich is an awesome deal.. but I really don't need it now.. do I.. anyways, I passed on it, but it was sooo coool! oh well.. need a job again so I can buy toys... anybody hiring?

Got some good contacts, found some cheap office space in Dubai, Internet City, so it wasn't too too bad..worth the visit for sure. Now I just have to figure a bizzness plan for something between Nairobi, Dubai and Sydney!

Oh did I mention that I ate a 1200 calorie box of McDonalds cookies in about 5 minutes flat? yeh!

Went off to Manly to listen to the chic that I heard the last time I was there... man is she ever good... went for Dinner at a place called 3 ducks, and had this incredible spicy chicken laksa, I couldn't do the sauce, but ate most of the filling...mmmm.... then it was off to the lounge/bar called 'In Situ' Nas and Karim met us down there, we chatted, had some good laughs.. I think I was still way too tired from the long day to really be 100% focused, but the music was also really good.. we got to hear the singer blow a whole lotta snotties right by our table... was quite appealing.

Luckily we caught the Last Ferry out of Manly and then decided to go to the Pancake House for more food... mmm.... had beef ribs... oh so good... laughed some more again, and then I was back at... yup, you guessed it... the Internet Cafe!

Slept in, and woke up in time for my Helichopper ride, it was so awesome, it's a great feeling being up there, 500 - 1000 feet above the water and the ground, saw a lot of the landmarks, got an idea of how big the damn city is, very awesome, took 248 pics in 1 hour of flight... crazy shizzy eh? after the flight it was off for some
Korean Food, now I knew that I was kidogo (a little) slow, but it wasn't until now that I realized that bean sprouts are actually the tips of beans... like the term implies...Bean Sprouts... it's the sprout that comes out of the bean... they served me food with the beans still attached... and Eureka! so I learned something new!

Hit the internet cafe to upload the pics.. man, I must spend at least an hour a day on average with all of this... well it's worth it at least!

Went to see the movie Crash with Sandra Bullock and a whole cast of stars (no not the soft-core one that Cronenberg did), very interesting movie, I would recommend it .. Had frozen coke and Rasberry... mmmmm.. oh frozen coke is what we would call a slushy.. or a squishy if you're a Simpsons fan. mmm...mmm.. brain freeze! Dinner, steak and mash...mmmm.... for $5.95... oh ya and you have to buy a $3 drink along with it... had coffee at City Extra again... thank god for 24 hour places... eh? ... and then it was back to the inet cafe...

Gotta go to the Blue Mountains Tomorrow at 8's 3am now... faack


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