My Travels


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Frickin Snow

So we got snow already!! WTF? lucky for us it was just a dusting and all is melted by the time I got home, but I mean, really? it's not even october yet...

picked up my drycleaning last night, 2 suits and a shirt... fricking frack $40 bux later... I mean for 40 bux I can buy a suit (albeit from the Salvation Army)

Went to Edmonton for a birthday party, saw some fool with a Monkey in the truck... an actual monkey, with a diaper and all.. no wonder the guy was driving like a frickin idiot...

In other exciting news, I'm going to go see the Jay Sean/JuggyD/Rishi Rich concert in Edmonton this weekend... should be frickin awesome... I hope... it'll be interesting to say the least... here's to good times at pak-jamz

and yes, the word of the day is Frickin... say it.. you know you want to... ;)

Frickin Snow

So we got snow already!! WTF? lucky for us it was just a dusting and all is melted by the time I got home, but I mean, really? it's not even october yet...

picked up my drycleaning last night, 2 suits and a shirt... fricking frack $40 bux later... I mean for 40 bux I can buy a suit (albeit from the Salvation Army)

Went to Edmonton for a birthday party, saw some fool with a Monkey in the truck... an actual monkey, with a diaper and all.. no wonder the guy was driving like a frickin idiot...

In other exciting news, I'm going to go see the Jay Sean/JuggyD/Rishi Rich concert in Edmonton this weekend... should be frickin awesome... I hope... it'll be interesting to say the least... here's to good times at pak-jamz

and yes, the word of the day is Frickin... say it.. you know you want to... ;)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Only in Hick Town

Saw the funniest thing today... leaving the movie theatre, I saw a nice Benz with a trailer trash pickup truck parked a little too close to it.. thinking geez, the driver is gonna be a tad pissed when he comes back to his car.... then I saw what was parked next to the pickup, a cube van that had it's mirror flush against the pickups mirror (which is attached to the drivers door)

The dilemma that appears here is that the benz can't leave without getting in the passenger side and scooting over if he doesn't want to damage his door... the Pickup dud can't open his door b/c the mirror is against the cube van's mirror, and would have to get in on the passenger side, but would probably dent the benz in the process... now, even if he did get in from the passenger side and scooted over, he can't go forward b/c of the van's mirror, and can't go in reverse b/c the mirror would catch on the van's 'cube'.... the only option is for the cube van to leave, then the pickup, then the benz... pretty twisted eh? dunno how and why this occurred to me, am assuming I need to go and get some professional help...

Saw Redeye that night and here's my review...
Redeye as a movie sucked ass....not as convincing as it should have been, but overall good movie, Rachel McAdams was good looking enough to pull the movie off, but it was fairly predictable.

Off to Edmonton tonite for a birthday party, got a flat tire replaced at Wal-Mart (well they had to replace 2 tires...$$$..sniff...sniff...), went and helped Michelle buy a computer from as far as small world goes... I hear this really loud crash and noise from a movie that was playing in the home theatre section... now I need to find out what system sounds THAT good, so I head over, about to ask the sales guy which system it is, and the sales guy happens to be none other than a distant cousin of mine that I met in Nairobi when I was there last...pretty crazy eh?

ok, and I have to admit that I am a bit of a geekoid and am really excited about setting up a new office for someone here in Calgary, Color Lasers, Duplex MFC's, VPN, Firewalls, NAS, and tonnes o other fun stuff....

so when I went the other day to pick it up, parked at a meter on the street, went up, got the stuff, and as I came down the gal says, oh, you didn't get a ticket? I'm thinking nope, I paid the meter (proudly of course). Put the stuff in the car and I'm thinkin.. I got some time, I'll go get a coffee... as I close the door, I see a guy giving another dude a ticket, now this guy has money in the meter, so I'm wonder why the hell is he getting a ticket? WTF? I look closer at the signs? it's a no stopping area from 3:30 - 5:30... as the ticket guy turns to walk towards my car, I jump in and drive away... hee hee.. I felt like I was the getaway driver...

off to take a nap so I can do this drive to Edmonton... yuck...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Get back to work!!!

Hehe, so I'm back at work, I've decided to keep the blog going, maybe not as often as I used to, but I will keep at it, it's kinda therapeutic in a way....

So I'm Back at work, it's kinda weird to be back, it really feels like I haven't left, working with a great bunch of people again! can't ask for much more...

Decided to take the Damn C-Train the other day, I really have to wonder what kind of people design these things.... went to the station, of course at 7:00AM there's no bloody parking at the train station.. I mean WTF? it's a 40 minute+ bus from my house to the train station, so I figure I'll drive there and take the train, good for the environment, good for gas, good to save money, good cuz I don't gotta pay for parking... but noooo... there's no freaking parking at the station (aside from the not big enough lot they have)... WHATS THE POINT?!?!? arrgh... I guess I'll just have to drive and park Early Bird... $11 bux a day... bloody hell...

Saw the cutest White (Big ass) 3-Legged Dog from the window in the office, it was so cute... amazing how it was getting along and moving with it's left front leg missing... saw it the next day too, this time the owner was around... wonder what happened to it...

I'm hooked on the telly again, been watching loads of it since I got back, can't seem to get the motivation to start cleaning up or packing......

Friday, September 09, 2005

Some of the best stuff I've seen in a while

Here is one heck of a creative mind. Took me a bit to figure out the menu interface... lol.. check out the videos, this dude is very good

WARNING: Some Scenes may not be suitable for work

Thursday, September 08, 2005

A backpackers tale..

Received this on email, how true it is.....

To all backpackers, ex-backpackers and wannabies;

Having trouble readjusting to life back at home now that the
travelling is over? Here's a few handy hints to help you settle
back in.

1) Replace your bed with two or more bunk beds, and every night
invite random people to sleep in your bedroom with you. Ensure
at least! once a week a couple gets drunk and shags on one of the
top bunks. Remove beds one by one as symptoms improve

2) Sleep in your sleeping bag, forgetting to wash it for
months. Add some bugs in order to wake up with many unsightly bites
over your arms and legs

3) Enlist the help of a family member to set your radio alarm
to go off randomly during the night, filling your room with loud
talking.This works best if the station is foreign. Also have several
mobiles ringing, without being answered. To add to the torture,
ask a friend to bring plastic bags into your room at roughly 6 in the
morning and proceed to rustle them for no apparent reason for a
good half an hour

4) Keep all your clothes in a rucksack. Remember to smell them
before puting them on and reintroduce the use of the iron

5) Buy your favourite food, and despite living at home, wr! ite
your name and when you might next be leaving the house on a ll bags.
This should include mainly pasta, 2 minute noodles, carrots and beer

6) Ask a family member to every now and again steal an item of
food, preferably the one you have most been looking forward to
or the most expensive. Keep at least one item of food far too long or
in a bag out in the sun, so you have to spend about 24 hours within
sprinting distance of the toilet

7) Even if it's a Sunday, vacate the house by 10a.m., and then
stand on the corner of the street looking lost. Ask the first
passer-by of similar ethnic background if they have found
anywhere good to go yet

8) When sitting on public transport (the London Tube would be
ideal) introduce yourself to the person sitting next to you,
say which stop you got on at, where you are going, how long you have been
travelling and what university you went to. If they say they
are going to Morden,! say you met a guy on the central line who said it
was terrible and that you've heard Parsons Green is better and cheaper

9) Finally stick paper in your shower so that the water comes
in just a drizzle. Adjust the hot/cold taps at regular intervals
so that you are never fully satisfied with the temperature. Because of
this frustration, shower infrequently. These simple but effective
instructions should help you fall back into normal society with
the minimum effort. Good luck!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

HaHa, good blonde joke


A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex.

Her friend said, "Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?"

"HELLLOOOOOOO......," answered the blond. "They're watch dogs!"

Busy busy day, catching up with people, the last few days have been hectic as well, it is good to be back, a reminder of how small Calgary really is hits you as you walk down the street, or sit in your car and run into people you know, crazy crazy...

I get to go tomorrow morning and work!! YAY, got to evaluate an office in the NE and plan out a wireless network for them...Exciting stuff for sure!!! I'm such a geek...

Oh and my MP3 player Drama continues... I have an old MP3 player from a year ago (Creative Rhomba) that has stopped working... called creative.. no warranty and $75 dollars to fix... yech... might as well buy a new one.... I'll never win... :(

nite nite

Monday, September 05, 2005

Good Old Calgary!

So it feels like nothing has changed, almost like I went to bed and woke up with all these memories. It's good to be back, catching up with friends and family, learned how to play Texas Hold 'em, just got back from a game, didn't do too badly, until I went all in and lost a pair of fours to a straight... yeesh... saw the 40 Year old virgin yesterday, good movie, you should go see it if you have a chance, absolutely hilarious.

I got the chance to ride a nice bike the other day, took Mike's CBR600RR out for a rip to Khane, that was awesome, that thing is so light, it didn't even feel like I was on it, and fast, and nimble, hit about 160km/h in an 80, weaving in and out of traffic, it was fun.

I'm exploring my options for what to do, looking at opportunities in Cairo, Nairobi, Australia and maybe even Vancouver, here's a real quick and dirty version of my resume, if anybody knows anybody, please let me know, or pass on the link

i'm hoping to figure out something next week.. Do have a 2 month opp with the company I used to consult for, but I'll have to wait and see what happens.

hope all is well with everybody else out there!