My Travels


Friday, April 29, 2005


Figure the blond moments were over... NOT... wake up this mornin to the entire room laughin... and a Cow Mooing.. and farm animalss... Turns out the lovely alarm on the phone was goin off, and I had no clue... it also happened to be those such noises.. grrreeeaatt... just think of the image these guys must have of Canadians now... ;)

got the heck out of bed, went to go see the doctor about my cough... I'm ok.. YAY.. just cough syrup and rest and I'll be aiight in a week or so... kewl... took a look at some nice bikes... there was a beauty of an 03 CBR RR ... mmmm... but of course a little out of my price range.. saw a few others... looks like I can buy one for 6k and sell it back when I leave for 4k... don't think I'll do it tho.. figure the ride to Melbourne should be good enough for me to get ma fix... that way I can use the rest of the cash for Skydiving, Diving, and other such nonsensical ways to spend money...

Had lunch with Sana (one of Zahra's cousins) pretty cool chatting with her, got some insights into Sydney and a contact in Melbourne... people here are sooo friendly it's not funny.. I thought us Canadians were friendly... forget it, these guys got us beat... Hit the FCUK store to get my shirt... poo, they had it, but it was 50 bux... forget it, I bought the one that was on sale instead... 'FCUKAROO' it says on it... hee hee... gotta love aussie humour...

Went to the Australian Museum to check out an exhibit on Egyptian Mummification, pretty sweet artifacts and information that they had. I was very impressed with all the detail and the way it was presented. Learned lots.. got a cool pic of a mummified head! saw the rest of the museum which had a history on the evolution of man, birds and insects (yech) of Australia, an Exhibit on skeletons of different animals as well as a quick thing on fish... not a bad way to spend a couple of hours no doubt. Took the train back to the hostel and it was off to khane, and now of course am back at the good ol McInternet (as some drunk lady just called it!)


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