My Travels


Thursday, April 28, 2005

I think we're gonna have to pull a Panama!

Not a bad day today actually. Had a bit of trouble sleeping, think it was the Cough Suppressant I'm on, didn't let me sleep much, got out of bed at about 9:30/10:00 had a shower, got ready, and it was off to the Beach... or so I thought... lol.. by the time I was anywhere it was about 11:30 figured it wasn't worth it to jump on the Bondi Explorer bus (at $36) when the last bus was at 4:15, so I headed off to have breakfast at KFC... I had a fresh squeezed OJ with it, so that makes up for the grease...

Checked out a skydive place, $199 for a Tandem jump...not too bad will have to see what else there is out there...

Jumped on the elevator to the top of the Sydney Tower... breathtaking views from up there, it really gives you an idea of exactly how beautiful this place really is. Got in on the free guided tour and learnt some cool stuff about the city and the things that are around town... also learned that Bondi Beach had a Life Saving club and one of the first people it saved was a 10 year old named Charles Smith... he later went on to be the first to fly from Sydney, Australia to Christchurch, New Zealand in 1928 and the Sydney airport is named after him... pretty cool eh? chilled out there for a bit, taking in the sights, and then it was off to the Sydney OzTrek, basically a touristy VR tour of Australia and ends with a cool video ride where the chairs move and stuff... not too bad at all, good fun.

Left there and headed off to Bondi Beach, got on the bus (yes, public transit) and made my way there... got off on the wrong stop and wandered around until I got my bearings and found the by then it was pretty late and getting a tad cool outside, so I chilled at a cafe called Ravesi's... had one of the best Cappucino's I've had in a looong time... it was good to the last drop... they also had this spicy hummus with this amazing flatbread that was actually Paratha... and really good paratha at that! enjoyed the view of the beach and the main strip and then grabbed the bus back to the hostel.

Got ready and headed off for dinner with Salima, it's great having family friends out here! as I was heading out of the hostel, ran into a fellow Canadian from Toronto... the first Canadian I've met in Aus... she had on an FCUK shirt that I gotta go get.... "FCUK Down Under" isn't it great? Went off for Italian food...mmm...gnocchi... pesto...mmmm...pretty good stuff... then went and saw Sahara at the theatres... not a bad movie at all, good humour, nice action, interesting storyline... and the best part? Penelope Cruz in a bikini :) but you have to wait until the end of the movie for it... :( got back to the hostel and had a total Blond Moment beleive it or not.. as I was saying that I need to get up early, Salima said "just set your alarm clock" to which I replied "All I have is the watch and that doesn't do much good" ... she reminded me that I have a cell phone (actually 2) that have alarm clocks on them... Duh! I think the fever may have killed off whatever few brain cells I had left... else I should start taking my brunette pills again... LOL!


  • Funny joke... hah hah hah! You funny lady....

    Just joking. nice story. make sure you eat properly

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:36 AM  

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