My Travels


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Nairobi Pics are up!

Got most of the Nairobi pics up, check 'em out
Safari Pics

Still feelin a little under the weather.. slept in till about 2pm this aft, then wandered out for a walk about town... ate at this little diner place in town, not bad.. they actually serve you the Saw Hyde Park, very beautiful, there were 2 guys playing chess with these huge chess pieces that came up to their knees...pretty funny, because there was a heckler in the crowd criticising their moves... ha ha..

Saw a few of the historical buildings, checked out a park hidden behind the Sydney hospital, walked over to the Opera House and had a sprite and watched the sunset over the Harbour Bridge.. very calming I must say. I was also able to listen to music thanks to the Elio actually working (YAY) not a bad little device...when it works of course... now I just have to get some playlists goin..

walked back to the hostel from the Opera House, stopping to check out an internet cafe that had almost 200 stations.. pretty huge and it's all self service... they must mint money there for sure..

Found out about motorcycle rentals for my trip, looks like I'll only be able to afford to ride to Melbourne and that's gonna cost me about $1000 for the rental and insurance etc for 7 days... about a 1000k ride from what the guys on the phone were saying. Don't think I'll be able to do the ride to Cairns... .too long.. probably will just hop on a bus and go from there. Will be chillin at the hostel until at least Monday now, thanks to Zahra in Nairobi I have some more contacts here in town and will probably meet up with them at some point (Thanks Zahra!)

I still can't get over how beautiful Sydney is, it's just an awesome city.. bloody expensive, but beautiful. The weather looks good tomorrow so I'm gonna attempt the Blue Sydney Explorer bus and hit a few of the beaches... :) time to work on my tan


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