My Travels


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

S2000 Anyone?

Today was Amazing! Went out for lunch with a guy from the S2000 Forums... Wayne... took me for a spin in his S2000... damn I miss that car... his has the supercharger and a great! exhaust... what a ride around town that was... :) permagrin! we went for lunch at an amusement park that they have across the bay from the Opera house.. then ripped around a couple of the Sydney suburbs.. wow what a rush! Thanks Wayne!

I wandered around town and found the Thai Airways office, they were kind enough to change my ticket! I have until June 20 in Aussie now instead of May 16 :) and the best part was that they didn't charge me.. hee hee.. then it was off to the Emirates office, they didn't want to do the change, so they sent me off to the local STA Travel office.. the guys there were pretty cool, they changed the dates on my other ticket, and gave me some ideas for a stop after Moscow... Prague anyone? lol, it's the cheapest place to go from Moscow... dunno, will see, am still waiting to find out about the volunteer work... you'd think that these people would be on the ball to get willing volunteers placed... hell, I'm even paying for my ticket to that side of the world? sigh...
The bad news is that I can't stopover in Dubai, 4 hours is all that I got when I'm there, and they charged me A$40 for the change... grr... the first ticket so far I've had to pay to change... oh well, it was bound to happen at some point.

Now that I had accomplished all of that, it was time to reward myself with a trip to the Sydney Aquarium. Now these guys know how to do it... lots of information, cute fishies, they have these two areas, ones is for viewing seals. and you can walk through a glass tunnel and view them from below... way cool... but then you go to their Oceanarium, and you see sharks and ray's and fishies... from below... it's so crazy having a shark 2 feet above your head, or seeing a Stingray gracefully fly over your head... unbeleivable... sharks galore as well... they had one area, where you were surrounded by glass...kinda reminded me of the Fresh Prince Episode... Cannons to the left of you, Cannons to the right of you.. Cannons ALL around you.. but it was glass... pretty're even standing on a glass platform and fish swim below you... then, right before you exit, you come across the best part of the aquarium... a HUGE picture window that's ginormous looking into the tank.. you can sit and they are playing classical music (sounded like water music) and it was very very serene...I must say, the best part and worth the price of admission ($26, or $18 for students like me)

now I'm here, back the lovely internet cafe, getting caught up again on email (Keep writing, it's great to hear from all of you) and finishing the uploads on the pics... not sure when I'll have a chance to put them into the folders, but in the next week or so you should start to see 'em... once my dear sis is finished with the Nairobi pics, we'll be all set!


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