My Travels


Sunday, June 05, 2005

Rainforest Trek

Wow, just got back from a trek through the rainforest... I know.. me, jungle, bugs.. but it was fun! went with one of the guys from my room. We headed up the dirt road through the rainforest, up hill and downhill, you could hear and see the beach/coast at some points... until we came to almost the top, which was Emmagen Creek. you had to have a 4x4 to cross the creek, the Land Cruisers were having a blast going through there... once there, we took a "path" it was not very clear, but it did the trick, to an area of the creek where you could swim... all the while looking out for Spiders and Snakes... and these really nasty vines that had thorns that stuck like velcro to your clothes..., got a couple scratches and stuff, but nothing major...

the creek was awesome, clear water, cold, you could see the rocks underneath...and then it started to rain... and rain... so we didn't bother getting into the water, just headed back down the path to the road. From here we were told that there was a path to the beach and we could walk back on the beach, took a bit to find the path, but when we did, it was a short trek into the rainforest again, and voila, water... what an awesome view, coming out of this forest, hitting a clearing and seeing the blue water at your doorstep... and the best part about this is, that in the entire 4 hour trek we did, we saw maybe about 10-12 people TOTAL!!! that's cool!

We headed down the beach admiring the views, walking along the sandy coastline, until we came across lots of big rocks... had to climb over about 3 or 4 sets of these rocks to get back onto sand 'n beach.. pretty crazy shit, especially when it started to rain.. luckily our timing was just right and we were able to hide under 2 big rocks until the rain stopped, but then the rocks were very very slippery on the way back in. Saw Sea cucumbers in the shallow waters, lots of crabs, mini lizards, and lots of shells... there were these patterns made out of balls of sand along the beach... I think from crabs.. one of them was in the shape of an umm... Cannabis Leaf is the PC term I think :) had to take a pic... too funny to pass up. Took quite about an hour and a half I think and we made it back to the hostel which is right on the beach.. kinda.. had a big bowl of potato wedges and a Banana Smoothie and now I'm writing this up for y'allz... gonna go hit the beach in a bitski..and then back on the bus to Cairns....

On a side note, its really strange, but I've become more environmentally concious... I know... me of all people... as we were walking back along the beach, it was easier in some cases to walk along these banks of coral that sit in the sand when the tide goes out, but I chose to walk on the rocks, instead of trampling on some innocent living coral... found that to be a tad odd...


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