My Travels


Saturday, February 05, 2005

brrr... tunndi

It's cold in Paris... lots of clouds... need the sun to show up at some point here.

I wandered around the streets of Paris last night, it's very nice.. lots of lights and nice (but expensive) places to eat.

The Metro in Paris is very dirrty and confusing compared to London. But it takes a couple of hours and it kinda starts to make a little sense. Make sure to get a map if you ever come by... there's so much to see, and lots of it is within walking distance, which is nice.

Met some people from Alabama (check out, China, and Malaysia last night at the hotel.. It seemed very dodgy (THE word for London, everybody uses it) at first, but it has a very nice atmosphere. I renewed my stay there for tonite instead of finding another place. It's close, I know how to get there, and you get a free breakfast.

There was a girl there that was applying for a job with KPMG in accounting or something like that. Well, I got to help her with her online test.. that thing is bloody insane... you'd think it would be something fairly simple.. but nooo... "Assuming the ratio of Members to Non members is the same for Group A as it is for Group B with no increase in total membership. What would the gross sales for period 4 be" oh yeah did I mention that period 4 has 5 weeks in it (written in small print on the bar chart) WTF??? wonder I suck at math... give me like 5 minutes per question...maybe... expect someone to do 25 of then in 20 minutes... ya, no wonder they get paid the big bucks.

Well it's almost 12 now, I'm gonna finish up here, brave the cold and head out for more sightseeing. I'm realizing that I really enjoy wandering and taking pictures of things... if anybody knows of a job that is available where I could travel and take pictures... please, seriously, please let me know..

oh and I'll put up pics of Bird Man.. this guy was so cool, all the pigeons were flocking to him and sitting on him and he was kissing them and feeding them and wow, it was a sight to see.


  • Cold!?!?!
    No it is cold in Calgary....and there is lots of snow to boot.

    - J

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:26 AM  

  • Hey Hon;
    Stop trying to take away my photo jobs ;)
    I have a book I'll look up some photojournalism sites for you about travel photography.
    Love Aubs

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:26 PM  

  • Hey Faisal
    Enjoying every trip report...
    looking foward to your Africa tales.....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:52 PM  

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