My Travels


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

What a long day. Lessons Learned

Another long day yesterday. Woke up and found my way to the Tower Bridge. I keep wanting to call it the London Bridge, but it's not. It's very nice.. got the student rate for the tour (hee hee) and got to walk across the foot bridge at the top. It's a very pretty view from up there. That took a bit of time. Met some dude from Tennessee (sp?) who was chillin out while his wife was working in town (now that's how to do it) . After the tour I just wandered and wandered. Ate one of those Cornish Pastries... they were really good. Had Rotten Ronnies and Starbucks as well... mmm.... and so I wandered, and wandered and wandered... ended up in a pretty ratty area of town near a train station called Elephant and Castle in South London? Reminded me of Scarboro... pretty scary, but entertaining. They had a mall there that I wandered through, for those of you familiar with Toronto, I felt like I was back in Thorncliffe. :) they had stores with all sorts of crapola for sale, from bling chains to lingerie, to cheap watches and wallets...flea market styles.
Finally got on the train and headed over to Leicester Square... found a place that set me in the right direction to get a battery for my camera. Wandered through stores on New Oxford Street, there is a place called Schuh... guess what they sell? Shoes...HA HA..
finally found Tottingham Road.. where all the computer and electronic stores are. Went from store to store to find the damn battery... finally find a place with an aftermarket battery, bargain with they guy and buy it... then I leave... I walk into the next store.. and they have the Real Deal battery, for 5 quid more... Feisal's officially a dumbass. So I buy it from them, and go and return it.

Lesson #1: Go to all the stores if you are looking for something, don't get excited and buy it from the first place you find it.

If I had started on the other side of the road, this would have been the first place.

Anyways, so back to Leicester Square to get tickets for the Phantom of the Opera... boy did I get ripped off. I bought from one of those half price ticket stands that they have all over the place. Ya...big mistake.. they sold me £15 tickets for £35... geez... again.. Feisals and Dumbass... so at this point I'm feeling pretty bummed.. Anyways, word of caution if you do go to London... buy your tickets from TicketMaster, the box office, or a place in the square called TKTS they are the only reputable authorized reseller. Needless to say I was pretty pissed.

Lesson #2: Just cuz it's on sale, doesn't mean it's a good deal.

So fine, I picked up me tickets and headed home. Did my hair and then back out to see the show. It wasn't as good as I would have thought. The seats sucked of course, I was waay waay up at the top with a blocked view of the stage... that and the idiots in front of me kept moving their heads...grrr.... so anyways, the performance wasn't that good, I guess I expected better. Not worth seeing in London for sure.

Almost out of time here...

Lesson #3: Look both ways before crossing the road.

I almost got taken out my a car in the morning, I looked, then walked... umm... dumbass... traffic comes from the other side of the road in this place... rest assured, thanks to brakes, I'm ok.



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