My Travels


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Ooh, I got to sleep in

Today I got to sleep in, until about 8 or 9.. YAY!
Had breakfast, relaxed, did laundry, chilled on the 'puter.
Finally left around 11 I think and headed to Earls Court.
Managed to find the hotel I get picked up for my tour of Stonehenge tomorrow
Looks like a lot of fun.... hopefully I won't get abducted by aliens or anything fun like that...beam me up snotty... :)

Got that done, grabbed a bite at Nando's... yup, the original Nando's... much better than that North American crap Y'allz get.

Went for a haircut, she did an ok job, not too shabby, and not very expensive either. I almost ended up at Supercuts.. but this was cheaper by 2 quid.

Tried to find an internet cafe to upload my pictures and for the life of me couldn't find a decent one that had a fast enough link... geez, haven't these people heard of USB and Broadband? anyways, after that adventure I went back to the ticket booth and gave the girl a hard time... I don't know, it's really difficult for me to be very mean to people... (and to those that disagree.. Shut the **** up!) anyways, so I got 5 quid back from her.. after some back and forth banter... 5's better than nothing in my opinion. that's like 12.50 Canadian!

Finally found an Icafe that let me USB and had a decent enough speed. But of course the damn thing had to crash... an hour and a half wasted... :( anyways came back to L'hostel freshened up and headed out for dinner with Cheryl.
Met up at Earls Court road and went to a really cool italian-ish place called Strada. Pretty cool place, the even sound italian. So of course I had to eat pasta (I was convinced that the first month of my travels can be considered vacation time... that way I don't end up gaining 400lbs in the 9 months that I am off...ok well technically the first month of International travel...yeh)
Had the gnocchi with beef..kinda like souped up KD and Mash.. it was really good... maybe even better than the sh!tm!x I made at Gav's place in Victoria. :)
It was good to catch up, can't beleive that I've known Cheryl for so long, yet this was our longest conversation to date. She used to work at Pan way back in the day as a summer student. And she's living out here now and working in Forensic Science...way cool. It was good to catch up on some of the old times and the new, compare notes on London and how good the quality of life is in Calgary.... I realize now that I took a lot for granted living out there with how easy everything is. London is a whole other can of worms.

I finished uploading some of the pictures...need to make room on the camera for more.. hee hee... I found a way around the system here at the hostel so that I can copy the files off of the camera and then u/l them to the website... only works on one of the'm such a geek.

Anyhoo, gotta get up early in the AM, I purchased some eggs from the Tesco Express (supermarket on 'roids.... way cool concept though) and maybe I'll have some before I head off to the tour tomorrow...mind you now that I think about it, there is a rotten ronnies near by the station...mmm...Cholestorol McMuffin...mmm..mmm...come closer dear breakfast sandwich, my arteries are yearning for your sweet supple goodness...

see being abducted wouldn't be a bad least I'd entertain the hell out of them damned aliens.

anyways, off to bed... need to sleep so I can ya.. whatever he said


  • Holy crap about updates...sounds like your having fun.

    - J

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:49 PM  

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