My Travels


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Fucking Nemo....

Free Indian food last night wasn't too too bad... I hit the sack by about 11:30 or so... passed the hell out until it was time to get up bright and early for more diving...!!!! I'm still feeling myself go back and forth like I do when I'm on a dive boat... great feeling though...

Breakfast was at about 7:00 and then we jumped on the truck to get to the pier.. it's a great feeling riding on messed up roads on the back of a pickup truck... at least they give us benches and something to hold on to... gotta love these places... anything goes...

It was another leap off the pier onto the boat... they parallel park the things against the pier, so we only had to go through 2 boats to get to ours... not a bad deal... did our Dive Debrief and headed to an area called Chumphon Pinnacle and did our 30 Metre or 100 Foot dive... :D basically it was straight down, saw a Shark leaving the area as we got there, and the visibility was awesome... it's a weird feeling being that deep down under water, but way cool, it helped that the conditions were good, we saw lots of fish, schools of Barracuda's, Coral Marine life... wow... probably one of my best dives so far, comes close to Luncheon Bay in the Whitsundays...maybe even better... the dive took us quite a while, which was excellent, saw heaps of stuff and really enjoyed it. Back on the boat, and briefed for the next dive. This dive was only gonna be our buddy teams... I was buddied up with Frenchie... we descended (I had my camera this time) and started swimming out towards a rock (found out after, we should have descended while looking at the rock), so basically we got lost off the start. but, at the bottom, in a wide open area, we saw Nemo... cute little bugger, and he proceeded to swim at Frenchie, and then bite him... I got a few shots, and then Nemo attacked me while I was holding the camera pointed at him, and bit my finger, now either he's really sick of the papparazzi, or this was one freaked out fish...there were no other fish around, and I swear this thing had fangs... will have to see how the pics turn out... but damn that little thing can bite.... the other part of the dive sucked, we got lost.. which was ass and we had to swim a ways back to the boat... why can't I have a gps down there, what the hell is this compass thing... umm can you say abacus?

we got back to the pier and had to jump through 6 boats parallel parked to get back to the pier, and then it was back on the truck I was right on the edge of the bed, so I had to hold on for dear life, lest I slip and fall off... as funny as that would be.. all of you who are laughing...shut up!. clean our gear, and I had homework to do, did about 4 of my knowledge reviews in about 45 minutes, shocked the piss out of the instructor who didn't think that it was possible... ha ha.. sucker.. that's what we call a good old Ontario education... copy the answers out of the book... there's no need to learn anything... that just takes time that I don't have... lol

got my Adventure certification, need one more dive to get my Advanced Open Water, will have to get that at some point.... I'll have to find a place....

checked out, finished all the paperwork, and then it was back on the damn truck to the Catamaram back to Koh Samui.... just ate some real Thai food, and am off to the black moon party in Chewang, and maybe catch a Muay Thai fight...


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