My Travels


Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Damp Denial Desperation Disappointment

In Bangkok, safe and sound. Now I'm gonna try and keep current with this trip and posting, and when I have some spare time in the next few weeks, pop up all my East Coast Australia adventures....

Left for the Airport in Sydney and it was pissing rain like nobody's business. got soaked, took the train to the Airport, stood in a crazy ass line to check in, the girl behind the counter was nice though, she got me a Bulkhead Window!! leg room for the 12hour flight from Sydney to Melbourne to Bangkok.

I got "Randomly" selected for Explosive testing... she checked my bags to see if I was carrying a whatever.. but she was cute.. I should have just told her.."you know baby, I AM the BOMB" ;) ... d'ya think that would have gone over well? or maybe... I could have told the ticket clerk when she asked for my ticket "You mean my one way ticket to paradise" in my best arab

Went down to the Airport lounge... and lo and behold, they would not let me in, b/c the lounge is operated by Emirates at a certain ass...

Ok, Why is it that whenever I am leaving a country I get sick? I think I had the chills and the sweats and they were rotating amongst each other... I'm not old enough to be going through menopause.

The flight from Sydney to Melbourne was uneventful, made friends with 2 people in my row that were going to Katmandu for a vacation... now that's what I call an exotic destination.

so we get off da plane in Melbourne, I find out that Raghav is playing in Nairobi on July 9th :( I wanna go.... but oh well... it was good to touch base with the fam again, talked to the old man for a bit, and then back on the plane, and this is where the fun begins.

get back on the plane, ready to take a nap, when they deliver the menus for dinner, ok fine, as it is I'm feeling a little sick, (read ALOT sick) and all of a sudden there is freezing cold air, like freezing, I was literally shivering, the 2 girls next to me were cold too. So we tell the guy, and he takes a look and it seems to be fixed... ummm nope, freezing again, so we've all got 2 blankets on us, the lady behind us is Really hot and so it's like their air circ is messed up. Oh and as far as the nap goes, the food didn't come until about 45 minutes later... I mean I could have at least gotten a bit of a nap.

The food was Absolute Shit, the only good thing in the whole plate was the bread roll and the butter, the beef tasted like dog, the chocolate mouse was bitter, the salad had this flavor to it, kinda like dandilion :(

ok, so now, I try to sleep, aint bloody happening, too godammn cold... brr.. tunndi... so I call the guy over again, at this point he's like, I'm sorry, it's at 24 degrees, and it's probably because of where you are from that you feel cold, (the lady in the row behind us was really warm [and not brown] ) umm hello... I'm from Canada... we invented cold??!?!? then wrote the book, patented it, franchised it, sold it to microsoft, and still had time to make a primetime reality show about it... Buddy... You're Fired!

Got a few zzz's until I was woken up by some wicked turbulence, engine whine, big ups and downs... I usually love turbulence, and really enjoyed this one, but I do admit I put my bag under the seat in the event that it went flying... but it was fun, even more so because it sounded like the engines were being denied a steady stream of air, and then they banked the plane to avoid the 'draft' as well as dropping down a few hundred feet I guess.

so whatever, I froze... and froze...and froze.. inbetween a few bouts of sleep that I was able to get, now of course every hour or two I was going to the can... good ol' stomach one point when I was in there, some lady banged open my door... honey, what part of OCCUPIED don't you bloody understand?... and then back to my cold seat.. so I was frigid by about... say... I think... 2:30am.. so I sat in the can... for about.. ummm... 45 minutes... it was nice and warm in there, spent a good part of it asleep... couldn't think of any better way... :)

finally it was almost time to land. Breakfast was SHIT again, and I couldn't even think of a good thing.. ok the fruit plate was ok... and get this, as the plane is landing, one of the trolleys comes out of the thingamajiggy it sits in and glasses and cutlery and food go crashing into the other trolleys... not a good thing to hear while a 747 is touching down now is it?

I was very very glad to be off that plane... Thank you Thai Airways... you made flying history in my books....


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