My Travels


Sunday, July 03, 2005


Woke up bright and early for trekking... started on brekky and the tour guide came early, so I had to takeaway ma food... grr... but I did get to sit in the front seat. and was introduced as the Tour

The countryside here is very beautiful, we made it to our first destination and went Elephant riding.. por things.. the one guy had a metal hook thing that he used to guide the elephant, somehow I don't think that it's very pleasant. On of the the mother phantz would not let the baby eat... so we tried to strategically toss bananas so that the little one got some foody... I tried some of the local "Happy Tobacco" but it wasn't happy at all, probably just plain tobacco..

We trekked to a waterfall, I was one of the only ones who went swimming... it was so nice... strong current though, I tried to swim up to the fall itself, but couldn't make it... Helped a lady on our tour from China walk across the little pond to a set of rocks that she wanted to get to... shw couldn't swim, so I had to guide her across the rocks in the water. Ran into some dudes from LA and Montreal, saw a few cute girls, we left and went to a village of Karen people as they are called, they live in these really nice huts in the hills... we ate, then went bamboo rafting, which was heaps of fun, I got to steer the back of the raft for a while.. hee hee..... Made friend with 2 of the Thai girls that were on our trip, and decided to meet them in the evening for a night of partying...

I took a bit of a nap, and then ended up at geek heaven, basically 3 little malls, all filled with computer stores... even managed to find a place that still sold 4mb Simms and old P1 processors and motherboards...madness I tell ya... I ate Mcdonalds(again) and met the girls... we went over to a Thai pub/restaurant place called The Good View... really nice place, great atmosphere, kinda like Schanks in Calgary. We then hit up a club called Bubbles, ran into one of the guys from the other tour, Terry from LA, crazy small place it is... danced a bit, the girls took off early... I stayed for a bit, only to get massively rejected on the dance floor.... man, I'd say I got one hell of a death glare... :( headed back to the hotel after buying toilet paper...

Woke up late this morning, did the five more minutes thing and before I know it I was late for my taxi to the airport... Arrgh.! got there, checked in, got my window seats... yeh... the plane was a nifty little twin prop mini jet thingy with palm trees and beaches painted on the side... very touristy... it was kewl to be on a plane with just tourists... people backpacking, people on vacation, nice crowd... the flight from Chiang Mai to Bangkok was uneventful, the views were great though! Bangkok to Samui again was fairly good, nothing overly exciting, good views, met some Canadians and an Aussie.. if you thought I was mad, this guys is doing 4.5 months to Central and South America... as his first backpacking trip... crazy...

made it to the Samui Beach resort, my lock on my bag had vanished after I checked it in for the flights, as well as one of my pouches that attaches to my bag had been taken off and put back on, my guess was Bangkok security, nothing seems to be missing, so it's all good I figga.... The resort is not much to look at, first glance was lots of construction, but I get to my room, it's right by the pool, which overlooks the OCEAN and BEACH... it doesn't get much better than this ladies and gentlemen... I'm at a beach resort on a frickin tropical Island! WOW! took a swim and a walk by the beach, and then decided to eat and treat myself to a one hour Thai massage... which was very relaxing until about halfway through, the mosquito's decided to eat me alive... had to go get my bug spray and cover myself... damn mosquitos what purpose do they serve again?

I'm in a town called Lamai, finally rolled my sorry ass out of bed ate some really good Italian food. The town is very nice, quaint, little shops everywhere, people on scooters and moped type things, little 125cc bikes, and a few sportbikes and harleys.. I think you can rent them, must take a look if there is time and see if I can run one for half a day or so... should be fun... :) I'll try not to repeat the last time I got on a bike...hehe rubber side down.. I know..


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