My Travels


Thursday, March 17, 2005

...I'm tired...again... :(

I am so beat right now... it's not funny...

Not even sure what day it is... just know that I have a flight to catch tomorrow... leave for the airport at 10am....
So what have I been up to? lol... too much... tried to remember earlier when writing in my journal and took a few minutes of thinking (ouch) and reading back in the journal to decipher the chicken scratch and then hurt myself while I recalled the events of the past few days.

Captains Log:
A little runny with traces of corn...
oops...wrong log..

Tuesday Night:
came back to the hotel and ended up going with the boys to the Mujjrah bar Mehfil ..yes the one with the cute dancer... she wasn't there when we got there..she showed up later.. :D don't know how, but ended up managing to get her number :D (or so I thought...) she was a little shy (keep in mind you can't talk to these girls it's all sign language and gestures.....they just dance on a stage and sit on couches (that are on stage) when they're not dancing. Her friend helped her out, and I jokingly said I'd trade my sunglasses for her # (yes, the 5 Dhiram ones that I lost and replaced...that's US$1.50) Left there pretty happy..
Went to Hardees at 3am.. chilled out there for a bit eating, then back to the hotel to bed.

Wed Morning...
Woke up around 10, have a busy day today... (I've been sitting here for the last 10 minutes trying to remember what I did yesterday morning) oh ya, umm... ya, I called up Sanjana (the chick from the club).. turns out, she's 19, just arrived from India, and doesn't speak a word of English... (Anybody want to teach me Hindi?) which is way too funny... so her friend translated a short conversation, I got an invite to go visit them in India when they go back in May (Thnking about but the really scary part about this was... how they are treated here. Basically they sign a contract in India, come here for 3 months, are put up in a residence compound.. driven to work and back at the end of the night. Can't go out, can't leave the compound, can't sightsee...nothing of the sort... that's just not right.. but so many of them do it.. it's a way to make money (without compromising your principles and becoming a Ho). Really shitty deal.

Took a taxi to Sheikh Zayed road, that's were all the office towers and nice buildings are, ate a ..get this.. CHICKEN BIG MAC..!! it's a Big Mac.. but instead of beef, it has 2 Mini McChicken patties... OMG SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!

wanedered around.. had a Montechristo cigar for dessert (only U$8), got to see the buildings...some of them are so tall, the clouds cut through the tops... Took a cab ride to the Al-Karama Souk which is a flea market type thing with shops... ended up spending way too much money on silly stuff.. bought a Sheesha (Bong), and some other trinkets and stuff... They had to mix and match parts for the Bong so I was running late... made it to the hotel, quickly got my gear together and headed off on my Desert Safari...

The vehicle was a very nice Toyota 4 runner... white with the gold trim package... k, here's the diff.. Nairobi Safari.. beat up pre-90's Land Cruiser.. Dubai Safari... 2000+ and immaculate...
We left the hotel and picked up an Indian couple who were taking a visitor on the Safari..small wold.. the guys daughter lives in Calgary, her hubby works at Foothills...go figure..small world again.. .drove out to the market pit stop (where people try very very hard to sell you overpriced stuff.. and these tourists buy the crap... and then we took off on the Dunes... massive sand dunes, they lower the air pressure in the tires and you just 4x4 it. The SUV is going left, up, down, tilting, bumping along the sand as you climb to the top of the sand dune, bank left, and tilt straight down.. these guys are good drivers and must have a lot of fun doing what they do.. seatbelts are of course mandatory ! they parked on one of the dunes and we got to get out and walk around.. I climbed one of the hills and took some pics, got the sand inbetween my toes.. it was great!

got to see a partial sunset over the desert..there were a lot of clouds on the horizon, but it was beautiful nonetheless..

we headed out of there and over to the camp for Sheesha, a Feast, some belly dancing (where I got dragged on stage and made a very very feeble attempt at dancing to arabian music)

Met a few people here from Bombay that are doing a play in town.. pretty good bunch, had some laughs, they actually are staying at the same hotel as me... fed a stray cat some food... cute kitty..

we headed from there back to the hotel, where I would have loved to take a nap... ended up making a couple of phone calls, going shopping with a bunch of the actresses for about 20 mins...I bought more stuff that I didn't really need...oh well :)

back to the hotel again, sorted out some of the packaging and stuff that I bought... see now I remember about the shopping at Karama... there are so many, so many great clothes there.. and they are so cheap... the only problem is... they're all for women... I think I need to get myself a girlfriend so I can buy her some of this cool stuff.. ;) anyhoo, packed up some of the stuff and we went to a nightclub in town...

OMG the place was off the hook.. turns out here, if you are not a girl, know someone, or a couple, you don't get in... luckily the guys I was with knew someone, so we got in.. they give you a table, bring a bottle of whatever alkyhol you want and the party starts...I had a Romeo y Julieta Churchill and started dancing at around 12 and didn't stop until they turned the lights on at 2 and I still had some cigar left!!!, it was one hell of an R&B set. unbeleivable... met some of my buddies girlfriends friends...Nairobi, Somalia, Germany.. it's amazing how multicultural Dubai is, you find more foreigners than locals... we went to eat after...Hardees me of Denny's Crowfoot/16th!

by then it was time for bed.. I was beat...

woke up semi early, drew up my list of stuff I had to do... too much stuff (wait that reminds me, let me make sure I did, almost got the list done...)
Went shopping.. bad idea..bought more stuff... :( the sales guy was good... I spent a bundle at his store... but I did buy the worlds smallest Usb flash drive... it's about the size of my thumbnail (or no bigger than a usb connector for those Geeks like me)...did I need it? no but it was cool.. had to go buy a suitcase as well... to put all this crap in... now the hard part will be getting it from Nairobi to Calgary...I guess I should have though of that bad...

after shopping, I headed to the beach.. WOW what a beautiful beach.. I was thinking the public beach would be crap and packed...nope it was quite nice.. worked on my tan for a bit... realized I forgot my towel...thank god for beachside rentals... after I decided to leave, I found out that they do Scuba lessons there and that the beach is 3 times the size I though it was (they've placed rocks to calm the water and seperated the beachfront into sections). It's a great! beach.. not too crowded, nice and hot, cool breeze... the waves were very fast coming in.. kinda cool feeling tho.. went back to the hotel, had a shower, packed some more...gotta make sure I get all packed before I go out tonite or else I'm toast...I am not going to be coherent tomorrow... left the hotel...did some more shopping (gotta put the mastercard away) and now I am finishing up almost 3 hours at the inet cafe... Supposed to go see Paul van Dyke at the Grand Hyatt Ballroom (supposedly 5500 people will be there) but I have a feeling we won't make it... plus its about $30 for a ticket...I'm broke... Raghav is playing tonite as well...maybe I'll go watch his show.. NOT!

I managed (very slowly) to upload some more pics... will put them out soon..

A Big thank you to those of you that have been following this blog... I've realized that I've done a lot of things I normally would not have, however, the opportunity to write about it for an audience has given me that "extra" push to actually go out and do it... Thanks!


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