My Travels


Friday, July 28, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

hehe, so it was my birthday on the 21st, Turned 29 for the first time :(

The day started off fairly ok, got the phone calls the night before and that morning, it's a good thing to get those, :) ended up finally falling off my wonderful Heely's, hurt like hell! what's it with Birthdays, when I turned 28 I yawned and pulled something in my back, couldn't move my neck for like 2 days, and on 29? tried to show off on these wonderful rollie shoes and fell.. oops, slammed my knee and wrist into the hard floor...oweee!!

Had a work thing at lunch where we get all the staff together for a monthly meeting that day.. was somewhat relieved at not having my name on the birthday list up on the projector... whew.. NOT... the wonderful ppl I work with had me get up on a chair infront of 200+ people and they all sang Happy Birthday, it was pretty awesome!! Thanks guys!!

and the day progressed, went for drinks with 2 of my friends after work, then it was off to dinner with my sister, I really didn't feel like doing much, if I felt this blah at 29, can you imagine what 30 is gonna feel like? :( so I realize about an hour or so b4 dinner, that it was a surprise party, and of course the joker I am, I walk into the restaurant, and into the room and yell SURPRISE!!! of course I thought it was funny, but my poor sister had put a lot of work into planning the party and well I guess I didn't think about how she would react, she didn't say anything, but I know she was dissapointed, sorry Zayn! I guess I could have just played along... my bad....

the party was awesome, went to my uncles after and smoked some Shisha hung out and to bed for me... Saturday? that was eventful as well, went for breakfast/lunch with another 2 of my friends, and had terrible service from the pub staff.. it was a beautiful day though! dumb blonde waitress wearing a bikini top and shorts (the things ppl do for tips these days) but at least we were sitting on the patio in +27ish weather :) :) we left, and guess what? they come running out to say we didn't leave enough money.. lol.. my guess is the waitress pocketed $5 off the table and then tried to get some more... the Toad and Turtle on Barlow and 32nd.. what a bunch of losers... the quote of the day? "umm we don't carry a float this early in the day" haha, sounds like real winners that work and run that place no doubt.. won't be goin back there anytime soon... losers... but it was good times.. the sun, the bike, ah gotta love Global Warming, it's not treating us too badly out here..

we usually get about 2 weeks of what I would call "summer" but so far, it's been like 2 months of it.. WOOHOOO!!

Came home to help a friend prep for an interview... gotta love Excel and Powerpoint, and then it was off to my uncles house to setup his TV, off to my cousins Birthday party, and then guess what? I went out that night, chilled with my other cuz and some friends at a nice lounge called the Mercury, and kept the married couple out until 4am... mmmm went for what normally is good Chinese food at 3am.. got Ginger Beef that was PINK inside... like honestly.. PINK.. dunno what mystery meat it was... I was told it might have been Ginger Chow Meow... haha... or maybe it was beef.. before the animal they served us ATE IT!! lol...

and then the best part of the whole weekend? I got to do something that I haven't done in a loooong time... slept in on Sunday until... ya, you guessed it, 4:30pm!!!! kick ass!

and then it was back to work on Monday :)

pretty sweet birthday weekend after all

hope you are all doing well, my apologies for not keeping this as updated as I did a year ago, but I hope you still are reading and checking it out.

take care!


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