My Travels


Sunday, December 26, 2004

Boxing Day

Oh boy... Boxing Day... Scarborough Town Centre... Scary..
lots of, and I mean, lots of people. I figure the entire population on Calgary was probably there ;)
pushing and shoving and kids and people and cold...yech...and no great deals either.. it was scary.
I didn't buy anything, it's interesting when you have no room in a bag for stuff... you don't buy nutthin.

There was an earthquake that killed over 10,000 people in South Asia. I can't even imagine the horror and pain that must be sweeping that area now. Can you imagine, overnight having 10,000 people, dead. Some people while they slept, no warning, just tidal waves. Something like in The Day After Tomorrow. It's not right... and the media is more concerned with snow in Canada and the US...gimme a break.

k, I'm off to bed... got some Halifax and xmas updates for you later...


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