My Travels


Friday, December 17, 2004

Wow, I'm unemployed...

WOW what a crazy last few days. Packing until 3am, or 5:30am. Rushing to get everything done and get to the airport on time. I made it!

Here's the bag

It was busy busy wrapping things up, was even at work late on my last day.. crazy.. played a couple practical jokes on a few people as I left (you know who you are) and said my see you laters... it's hard to beleive that it's all over. However, wrapping everything up was not as hard/difficult as I though, all of this seems very surreal, almost like it's not happening to me.

So here I am in not so sunny Halifax. Got in ok, the flight was interesting. Had the cutest little 1 year old next to me with her mom ... Emma & Rachel, I wanted to ask if the husbands name was Ross ;) then there was the annoying brat on the other side, grr... but overall a plane full of screaming kids didn't seem to bother me that much.
So far so good, didn't get up until 2:30 in the afternoon today... this is great.. mind you, I did get asked today what I do, if I'm in school or not.. I just had to take the opportunity to reply "Actually... I'm unemployed!" it felt kida strange but good at the same time :)

I still need to post a lot of info and pics, will get that up at some point as soon as I get a few moments. luckily the laptop that's at the place i'm staying has a USB port ( and WIN98! )


  • You bum... have fun! EnCana stock went up 17% since you left!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:05 PM  

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